Sunday 1 September 2013

East Midlands team in the 4NCL

East Midlands team in the 4NCL.

Out of the 81 teams competing in the 4NCL last season, only two were represented the East Midlands  Pandora's Box Grantham and Ashfield / Breadsall.

Most 4NCL matches are also played in the EM  Hinkley Island in Leics, and Daventry Court in Northants.

Therefore we've decided to enter a team in the 4NCL under the name 'East Midlands'. If a sponsor comes along then we'd amend the name accordingly.

We'd start in Division 3 for the 2013-4 Season, with the aim of establishing a solid mid-table first division team within 3-5 years. We'd also enter a second team over the next year or two, numbers dependent.

We don't wish to take away any players from the two established EM teams (Pandora's Box Grantham and Ashfield / Breadsall), but believe that there is a wealth of talent and ability in the East Midlands for an EM side to succeed.
With a population of almost five million, similar to Scotland, and the 4NCL weekends on our doorstep, we believe that EM 4NCL chess should flourish.

We're looking for chess players with an EM connection, graded 180+, who'd like to play for us next season, and not necessarily every weekend.

If you're interested then please drop us a line.

With Best Wishes,
Christopher Dunworth

Division 3 South 4NCL Weekends @ Daventry Court Hotel, Northants, NN11 0SG.
16 & 17 November 2013
11 & 12 January 2014
15 & 16 February
22 & 23 March
3, 4 & 5 May 2014